Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here i am!!

Ok so i have been blogging with my 6th grade class, but never open to the "real world" But now that the year is over, and my lovely children are moving on to Middle school and don't really care what is going on with me, or my class I have decided to open my blog up to anyone not just the select few. I am going to attempt to really blog about life and craziness. No guarantees that it will be eventful or even entertaining, but it is worth a shot. So here it goes, feel free to laugh as the journey begins. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Hello! Nice, new, look. quite girly though. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey it works (/\/ate)!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks sauce! you got the $ i got the /\/

Roberta said...

Heya. What's new with me?! Well, I'm due to have our 3rd child in a couple of weeks. We're having a boy and are pretty excited.

So, you teach 6th grade, huh? I've subbed that grade many times and have a lot of respect for the teachers. Hope you're doing well too.

CrazyCartoonFan101 said...

Apple Sauce and Doritos!!!!!!!

CrazyCartoonFan101 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CrazyCartoonFan101 said...

I like potter puppet pals

Dane said...

Anyone I know still here besides Nate?

/\/atha/\/ said...

Yeah Nathan

/\/atha/\/ said...

Hey Miss H. does Spencer know that you get angry a lot in class.

Alisha Chase said...

Sad Nathan, i don't get that mad!

Anonymous said...

sometimes u do
