Can you believe it!?!? It's over, your gone, you'll never walk into our portable again. It all went by so fast. I hope you all have some exciting summer plans, and then its off to SUPER MIDDLE SCHOOL! You will all do well of that i am sure! But i will miss ya and always wish the best for you!
Love you guys,
Miss H!
15 years ago
Are we still going to keep up this blog
likewise miss h. I hope we still keep up with the blog.
t0day f0r me was kinda fun but it was kinda b0ring. h0w was everyb0dy elses day? i wish the wh0le class w0uld get 0n. 0h well, i h0pe they d0n't delete this bl0g even th0ugh 0nly a few pe0ple get 0n. my sis and my papanwa are talking ab0ut s0me hershey h0tel. my sis was watching trave1 channe1 and she saw it. i have t0 g0, s0 bye!
Happy Fourth!
dude they won't shut it down unless the person in charge of google thinks its a spam blog and the only way they will is if you publish bad things and trust me my brothers blog got shut down because of that and you have two weeks to explain why of they will shut it down.
so did you guys have a good fourth of july?
yeah nate no swearing
beep you nathan! ;)
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