This week has come and gone so fast! One more week until we go off track. Keep working hard! Don't forget to work on your Book Report, your Science fair project and your Middle Ages Castle! Have a really super weekend!
Shea- You need to make your Vday box at home and just bring it to class on the 14th. Good question! Thanks for the reminder i need to remind everyone else to work on that while we are off track too!!!
hey miss holloway are you on and i am going to talk to you maybe later and i will see you in class tomorrow which is friday or should i say friends day? i have a lot to say and my sisters say that i talk to much and i mean they really do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i will miss holloway
hey miss h do we have to make our vday boxes in class?!?!?!
is anyone on
i hate these @#*# words!
i'm bored oh yeah i forgot to ask chase to give me my library book back
ohhhh garrick said something bad
THERE was this girl that on my email she is like weird it scared me i am mad NOBODY SHOULD EVER TAKE MY WORDS BOOMSHACKALAKADINGDONG
i am bored
is anyone on ore i will cry
sob sob sob sob
i am listing to paper heart
tanner rocks
tanner rocks
tanner rocks
tanner rocks
tanner rocks
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
tanner is cool
hey guys i'm on
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
la ta ta
tanner i took your word
is anyone on
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
EAT THAT!!!!!!!
hey jonah
oh hey david
i'm got to go see-ya
bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Shea- You need to make your Vday box at home and just bring it to class on the 14th. Good question! Thanks for the reminder i need to remind everyone else to work on that while we are off track too!!!
Who is on
nathan are you still on
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
jonah rocks
and no one realizes that
and i think i am the only one who does
HELLO is anyone there
is anyone on the blog besides me
someone atleast say a word
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
jonah is cool
deal with that
well i got to go
i will come back at 10:45
see anyone in an our
nevermind i won't come at 10:45
is anyone on
is anybody there
well i got to go see you guys later
hey guys maybe sometime somebody could bring a video camera and we could do a movie as a class?
from sauce
sup guys what are you guys doin???
what did we do today??
hey miss holloway are you on and i am going to talk to you maybe later and i will see you in class tomorrow which is friday or should i say friends day? i have a lot to say and my sisters say that i talk to much and i mean they really do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
kenzie rocks
Eat That!
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