Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

OK so not only am i officially the worst blogger ever, but i haven't been keeping up on other blogs either. I get so lost and distracted sometimes. I haven't posted about Christmas, or the new year, or heck i didn't even post about GETTING MARRIED!!! which has been over a month now. Everything went perfect. Mikel Forgot to bring his Tux to the temple, so i had to wait forever before we could walk out. And even then his uncle just let him borrow his suit jacket to take pictures in. It was funny, but i totally didn't care. I was just happy to be there, and to have gone through the temple with him and to have so many family and friends sitting there with us. It was incredible. Then we had a great Christmas together filled with family and fun. It was really great. I am excited for a new year! I know it is going to be a great year. I know it wont be perfect and there will be ups and downs, but i am ready for the adventures that will come... Here are a few of my favorite memories of the holidays that ended 2010. I am so grateful for awesome friends and family that are always there to support me and keep life great!!! Happy new year!!! Here's to new goals, new adventures, and a super 2011!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

3 weeks!!

In 3 weeks Mikel and i will be getting married!! AH! How cool is that? We met with the stake president today to get our temple recommends signed. In two weeks we are going to get our endowments in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple so that on the 20th we can be sealed in the Bountiful temple. WHAT AN AWESOME OPPORTUNITY!!! I am SO excited!! I am so grateful that Mikel is such a great guy and that we can have such a good relationship. I cant wait to share my everything with him and really become a family. After everything that has happened i am truly blessed to be where i am today. I am grateful for my testimony in the church and the faith that has brought me to this point in my journey. AND i am so grateful for the friends and family church leaders, YW leaders, teachers, everyone that has led me by example to continue with the church. I wouldnt be who i am today without the support of people i love and without my testimony in the church... Cant wait for the next chapter in this journey to begin, and definitely on the right path.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I figured i should finally blog about my dog Lucky. He is a handful, but what puppy isn't? He is just lucky he is really adorable. Ha but overall i really do love him, i just dont love the chewing on everything and the constant power struggle we have! He is a Chihuahua Mini Schnauzer mix. And he definitely has a crazy personality. He does really well while i am at work. He just bites a lot when he gets excited, and people keep saying he will grow out of it when he isnt a puppy anymore.. but how long does that take?! I dont mind the playful biting but sometimes it really hurts. I also need to find a good vet out here to get his shots and nails trimmed.. Puppies are a lot of up keep, i dont even know what it will be like if we ever have kids!! HAHA!

Today i was vacuuming and doing normal cleaning, and jeepers lucky freaked out, i had always heard people say their pets didnt like the vacuum but he was hiding under the bed crying nd whimpering like no other while i was cleaning the living room! SILLY PUPPY.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Stresses of a Stressed Bride

I have officially gotten lost from the blogging world. Ok online interactions in general have pretty much sucked. I dont post new blogs, i dont read blogs, and even facebook activity has declined greatly. I have had way too many other things on my to do list. But i am happy to report i have really attacked my to do list! I have my dress ready. My invitations sent out, the arrangements for food and other things done, and i even have my first Bridal shower tomorrow. its been such a crazy stressful road even though i am trying to keep it simple and cheap. I just want to celebrate with people that i love!

Hopefully we both make it through this experience to actually enjoy being married!!! Any advice on staying calm??

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to school!

Well a full week of the new school year has passed.... It went pretty good considering all the crazy schedule changes we went through. They are now officially changing the start time of our school, so that made everything else shift all about. It will be nice to have it all settle down so we can get to know our students better. But so far it's been great. I am pretty sure i think every year that i wont like these kids as much as i liked my last group of kids, but sometime after Christmas i end up loving them anyway.... SO i cant stress too much that they dont know how to do the things i need them to do. I know it will come.. I am just ready to be done stressing about school, so i can focus on things for the wedding and Mikel... that's more fun to stress about!!! BUT now that we got our engagement pictures back from Kristal i am SO excited to pick some and make an invitation. It's going to be GREAT because Kristal took such AMAZING pictures!!! AHHH i love it!! But its definitely time for things to be not so crazy anymore!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Officially Engaged!!!!

Yep it's official! I am getting MARRIED!!! wow! Yes i know i know miracle do come true! Well let me answer all your questions now. Me and Mikel have been dating for 15 months now, we met because my Best Friend Kristen, is married to his best friend Eric. They set us up on a blind date over a year ago, neither of us wanted to go. And it was the first blind date either of us had been on. And look where it brought us? How did he ask you might want to know?? Well one of the first "recreational" things we did together was go 4-wheeling with Kristen and Eric.. SO naturally we went to spend a weekend up at Kristen's cabin this last weekend (the 7th and 8th) and we were out 4-wheeling and Eric stopped and said this looks like a great place to take pictures. So they took pictures, then Jordan and shelby took pictures, it was our turn. We got all set up to say Cheese, and he got down on one knee and said "Alisha i want to do this right, you are so important to me and you are my everything, i'd be so happy if you just said yes to one question.... will you marry me!~?" then he gave me a ring and of course i said yes. I knew it possibly was coming, because when i was in chicago he picked my dad up at the airport and when he was dropping him off he asked both of my parents permission to marry me. He was so excited he had to tell me after it happened! Then he went looking for rings while i was in chicago. He had his bro and sister go out multiple times to find the "perfect one" he did it all by himself. He even got the size by himself. He had played with my CTR ring in church one day and measured where it came on his pinky finger and used that as a guide... Creative kid. SO this is it the journey and planning begins! We are getting married NOVEMEBER 20th in the bountiful temple!!! Can't wait!! I am ready to try again for a happily ever after!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Fun!!

I have to admit, I really love having the summer off! I know i know, that is probably the one thing most criticized about being a teacher, is that people do it just to have the summer off. Well, although that is NOT the only reason i became a teacher, it is definitely a bonus. I have been able to go camping a few times with my family, and mikel's family. I have been able to enjoy the sun, gone swimming, seen old friends. I just can't get enough of being busy, and having fun. The one thing i definitely haven't gotten to do yet that i am waiting for is SLEEPING IN!!! I have been in class all week learning new things, developing a better teaching philosophy. Which has been really fun actually, but has not worked towards my sleeping in project!! I feel like i just keep running and running and never slow down, whether it be during the school year or the summer I always seem to have plans. I am kind of looking forward to a day that when maybe, just maybe i won't have any plans. No where to go, no one to see, no errands to run! Ha just a boring old day at home to relax!! HA in my dreams, i don't foresee that coming anytime soon. But hey, a girl can hope right? I think that is something i have always done, planned ahead. I LOVE hanging out with people and seeing people, but sorry sometimes you do have to plan it before to make sure i block off that time. But then i am golden i will be there! I have been lucky to have a lot of friends that i want to spend time with lately, Practically every night i have somewhere to go, whether it is helping someone, babysitting for someone, visiting an old friend, visiting family, birthdays, there is always something going on.

It also makes me stop and realize. Life is good. I have been so blessed with amazing people in my life and amazing experiences!! Time flies by too fast, and too many awesome experiences have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Like my Master's Degree. I am sure going to miss those guys that i have been in a cohort with for the last two years. They really have become my friends and colleagues. I hate when good things come to an end. But that also just means i have to start a new adventure!... I just have to figure out what my next endeavor will be.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another school year over already!?

Tomorrow is the last day of school. I can't believe it! I will be finishing my 4th year of teaching. Can you believe Starting August it will be year FIVE!? Wow! You would think by now that it would be easy to come to the end of a year... BUT nope! Softy Alisha cries every stinking time! Sure there are kids i am ok with letting go... but there are a few that i am sure going to miss! It's just a super emotional time all around. It's busy trying to get report cards finished, clean your room, and move rooms to a new room! It's sad that these kids you have watched grow ALL year and learned to love are now going on to look up to another teacher, and share their next year of stories and adventure with someone else. But it's also exciting knowing a new group will come and build new memories! That also gets pretty nerve racking because change is always hard, and i always worry i wont like this group of kids, or it wont goes as well, or something will happen. But in the end i always end up loving them and not wanting them to move on either!

This year i had a class pet named Bella. She was a super adorable bunny. But Now that i am moving back out to the portable, no more class pet. And living in my new place she has had to stay in the garage instead of my house and i am kinda nervous to have her stay in the hot garage all summer long now that our school is going traditional, that is a long break! So after stressing and worrying and trying to figure out what the right thing to do is, i have decided i have to give her away, which in itself makes me cry. This is the first time i have ever had a pet rabbit it was kinda crazy, but fun. I don't even know how to find her a new home, so after a lot of thought, i decided to let one of my girls in my class take her home. I wanted Bella to go to a good home where someone would love her as much as i do and give her what she needs. So I am at least happy and confident to know she will be in good hands. But like i said i cry about everything so tomorrow when she actually takes her home i am sure i will cry AGAIN! I will sure miss her!!!! I hope i am making the right choice!!

Ah i am so ready for a break! thank goodness for summer!! This is another one of those teaching bitter moments... It's good, it's sad, it's scary, it's nervous, AH the emotional roller coaster of teaching and caring! It's like having kids and having to give them away each year!! After all the hard work of a school year, you get to turn around and start planning for a new year!! Apparently teaching is for the ADD, bipolar, emotional caring, person who can't stay in the same situation very long because it is an ever changing world out there!!!

Here's to another great school year! 3rd grade has been a LOT of fun!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The most perfect Date EVER!!!

Mikel took me to the Real Salt Lake Soccer Game on Wednesday. It was our 13 month anniversary from our first date ever. He is a softy like that and always wants to celebrate. (Which is cute) And he knows i absolutely ADORE David Cook AND soccer. So it really doesn't get any better than that!!! I walked him through the soccer game and explained to him what was going on and he was so cute eagerly listening and learning more about soccer. THEN came the amazing part, the David Cook Concert. I kid you not, i was like a 12 year old school girl with a crush. We were sitting SO close to him, I was yelling, and screaming, and singing and dancing.... I was in LOVE!! Mikel even said, Hey hun, let me take your camera and i will take pictures while you dance ok? haha so he did. The whole time as i sang and danced he took pictures of him for me. AND then David came up into the stands!! He walked on the stairs right by me and i was one hand away from touching him... and YES i was screaming. In fact, sad to admit i had ran over there from my seat just a few seats away but i totally like left my purse and everything i had with me in the seat. Totally just ditched it in hopes that i would touch David's hand. YES i am 26 years old, but i tell you that was my perfect day. Mikel must really love me he just smiled and laughed at me as i giggled away in la la land. Happier than a kite. HA Thanks Mikel for such a perfect date!!! PS He even agreed to share me with David Cook as long as he pays the bills ;) SO bring it on Davy!! I'll be waiting! haha

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hmm is it The truth.... Yikes?

Ya know, I have been thinking recently... And I have never really thought of myself as uptight, hard to please, obsessive, type A personality, bossy, controlling, or crazy. BUT in reality, i think i am actually all of those. I don't know if it has changed more sense i have gotten older, or if i am just more aware of it now, but I am not as easy going as I thought i was. I don't do spontaneous very well. I need structure, plans, and organization. Maybe that is the teacher in me, or maybe I am just naturally obsessive. But i want things my way. And maybe i need Something to knock me off my high horse and humble me a little bit. I am not better than anyone, smarter than anyone, better at communicating and life and making choices. I have as many faults as the next person. And don't get me wrong i don't think i am arrogant, cocky, or confident in my excellence. But i do know that i have accomplished a lot of things in life. But i have a hard time throwing everything in the air and going on a last minute trip. Or going somewhere cold when all i packed was summer stuff. Or communicating the way someone else wants me to. I get stuck in the process of if i get an idea i follow it. I have to like prep myself to take a different course if things change. Ha i really have gone crazy i guess! Maybe one day i won't get mad and frustrated and have a panic attack when things don't go my way. Usually i am pretty good at keeping all that stuff to myself. And i keep my crazy feelings inside as I smile and try to go with the flow. But in reality, Yikes i like things they way i like them!!!

*** And this concludes my confession for the day! ***

Sunday, June 6, 2010

.... Yee Haw!

Yes, I know, I go through spirts of posting a bunch, to not posting at all... I get easily distracted. BUT i finally thought i would post again, even though there is not really a lot to say.... ANYWAY

This weekend I went to the Rodeo out in Tooele with Mikel and his family. It was pretty fun. His grandpa totally loved it! Luckily the rain waited until the Rodeo was over to start coming down! The weekend before we went camping for Memorial Weekend and it didn't rain then either!! We are lucky!! But so far, we have been able to really enjoy the summer/spring weather and get out to do some fun things! I am looking forward to having more adventures this summer. More camping and swimming planned and lots of fun and laughter!! Gotta love it!

Also 4 weeks left of school and counting! Then sadly it's off to traditional schedule instead of year round... But oh how i will enjoy that when it's JUNE next year and i am out of school instead of still plugging along!! I will just have to find more things to do with an entire summer off!!! WEIRD! Truth be told i am just sad to see my class move on!! That's always the hard part. But i know i will love the new group too.. It's just the unknown that is scary!!!

AND OH goodness i never even posted of my excitement that LEE WON AMERICAN IDOL!?!?!? what was i thinking!!! I completely heart LEE. And yes, I liked Tim, but my heart was always with LEE and i love that he was so humble and shocked about winning. I am glad Christal didn't win!! Go LEE!!! I freaking love him and will totally support him!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

London calling....

Ok Yup it's official... LONDON is calling me back!!It has been 5 years (From Yesterday) That Nicole and i went to London to study abroad... I loved this trip. It was my first airplane ride EVER! I was so nervous! But after that first ride, we rode several more airplanes to Paris, and Rome, and back to London all over. It was amazing!! I can't believe so much time has passed and life has changed SO much since then. But ya know, Life was actually pretty crazy when i decided to even go to London. It was my escape from reality for sure!

Ya know what i have decided. No matter how much you try to plan and predict what will happen in life, it NEVER happens that way. But sometimes that is for the better! Here's to good friends, good experiences and good places!!! I love you London!!

I will not tell a lie though... My heart belongs in Rome!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Love Hate Relationship....

So I have a Love hate relationship with teaching Year Round School... I LOVE being off track and having my breaks 4 times a year instead of all together at once... BUT I HATE when it's time to go back to work after being off track. It messes with my head, and my heart!!! I get to relax and play, and enjoy things i just don't have time for while i am teaching. But then the time approaches to return to school (MONDAY to be exact) and a few days before, i get anxious, and i know the end is coming... And like today, I am slightly apprehensive for the return to school. I Know I know, once i get there and my kids come i will be FINE. But It's almost like that nervous first day of school feeling all over again. Except less intimidating cuz i already know my kids. I think i am just way NOT excited to get up that early again! And have to actually get really ready each day!! BUT i do love that i get breaks at different times of the year. It really is amazing. And i dont know if i would like having ALL summer off. I would probably end up getting a summer job or something and working my entire break...

Now i know some of you are thinking. WOW teaching, what an ideal schedule and work load. WELL rest assure, yes, i don't physically have to go into school. BUT i do still do work and projects when i am off track. And i stay late almost every day i am at school. So while officially i only work 9 to 10 months out of the year... I promise you i work 12 months out of the year and every thought I have is about school. I can't even go to the store without a thought creeping in like "OH i could definitely use that in my class!" Not to mention my financial investment into all the cool projects i create!

YES, It is official I do LOVE my job... But I also HATE that anxious feeling i get when i have to go back to work....

PS i am also super sad i only have nine weeks of school left and i have to say goodbye to my AMAZING class... and begin the worrying and anxiety of a new school year!! (That will only start 3 weeks after my goodbye!!) Oh the wondrous cycle of teaching!!! GOTTA love it!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Attitude and Grattitude Award!!

Well Jeepers! I have to say thanks Nicole for passing this award on to me this week. I am honored that out of all her many many many many friends that have blogs she picked mine! Thanks Nikki Picky! I freaking Love your face!! Everyone should head over to Nicole's blog and see how Creative and super she is....but not until you find out who I'm passing the award to!

Thanks for my award i will accept it proudly and with honor!!! Yeah Sisterhood!

It is time! Now I get to pass on the award, which really.. is the hardest part for me. Who to choose, and How will they represent the sisterhood He he!!

Well To these lovely girls, Who i freaking love and adore for many reasons beyond belief and explanation!!! Congrats You are who i choose to share the sisterhood award with, because you AND your blogs show great positive uplifting Attitudes and also a huge display of Gratitude!! I love you like sisters!!!

Jess J.
Jess S.

You received the Sisterhood Award, now what? Here's what you do:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post

2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Are you serious!??! Off track time is ending again.... SO soon??

There ya go, The moment captured in essence! I did it! I made it through the graduation! YAHOO! And I did it with some of the best Friends!
But that also means that i am nearing the end of being off track. I have to tell you that being off track is the best thing in the world!! Nothing like being off track, reading books watching tv you have missed. Hanging with Friends you never get to see


And playing with my niece and nephews! Who i freaking LOVE!!!!

All and all it is great! Except the anxiety i feel just about now when i have only a couple days left and i know i have to be back on Friday and i start freaking out, and dreading waking up, and wondering if i am planned and ready (Even though i spend the first few days off (at least) every time i go off getting ready for when i go back! It's like the first day of school all over again anxiety wise! HA BUT then i get there and its back to normal like i never left!

Here's to the last few days of being off track!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

And it's official.....

I am heading out the door this morning 8:30 AM for a wonderful Road trip to......Cedar City!!

Why you might ask!?? Because it is official. I am GRADUATING with my MASTER'S DEGREE in Education!! Whoot Whoot!. YES, you can call me MASTER ALISHA now!! Here it goes, I am slightly nervous to walk, seeing as this is the 3rd time i have graduated from college, yet the first time i will have ever walked for Graduation!!! As of Saturday I will be a proud alumni of DIXIE, USU... AND NOW! SUU!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

OH man the end of the road has come....

OH the sadness as I sat hearing that my love has been officially kicked off of American Idol!!! I don't care! I still love TIM! I officially am mesmerized by him. YES, i do realize after watching every season that he isn't the best. And i do also love Lee and think he is amazing... BUT for some reason Tim, is just... well awesome! He had me at Hello.... I am glad he made it this far!! But i will forever love tim! I love his guitar i love his hair, and i love his smile.... Yup He is my American Idol!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Perfect Combination..... I am in love!

I think i found the perfect combination Fin, from Glee.... Tim from idol... and Chuck Bartowski!! Put them all together and what do you get??? MY new boyfriend!!! I am in love!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thank you!!!

I just want to put a special THANKS out to Suzanne and Nicole for being the best ever!! They totally took care of me when i had my surgery and brought me food and books and magazines to read and just kept me company. They seriously are the best friends ever THANK YOU GUYS!!!

And of course my family. My sister Brittany let me crash at her house for days as i couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom without crying! Her and her husband and kids were great to help me out! But they always have been there to take care of me and make sure i get what i need. They are the best ever. And my Parents took me and suffered through my craziness and restlessness at the hospital. And Heather kept checking on me. It was a family event for sure! But hey i didn't hit any doctors this time! That's an accomplishment!!!

I really had a lot of people reach out in love and support and i think that's what made it a great experience!! THANK you for all your love and support!!! I couldn't be here without you!

Monday, April 12, 2010

I love Lee!!

I have known this for quite some time now, (From the very beginning actually) but i thought i would officially voice my opinion that i love Lee and i think he should totally win American idol!! AND i have really loved his song choices..... Especially when he pulls out his guitar!! I totally heart LEE Dewyze! Yahoo!

I wont lie I like Tim too, but i know he should go home. I dislike Crystal. I think she is good, but they praised her WAY to early and she got cocky. I dislike the overly sure attitude when she hasn't wow'd me! Big Mike is LUCKY he got saved, i think he can sing, but it is not exciting or marvelous... I think Casey is good too, but hands down i am team Lee!