Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Fun!!

I have to admit, I really love having the summer off! I know i know, that is probably the one thing most criticized about being a teacher, is that people do it just to have the summer off. Well, although that is NOT the only reason i became a teacher, it is definitely a bonus. I have been able to go camping a few times with my family, and mikel's family. I have been able to enjoy the sun, gone swimming, seen old friends. I just can't get enough of being busy, and having fun. The one thing i definitely haven't gotten to do yet that i am waiting for is SLEEPING IN!!! I have been in class all week learning new things, developing a better teaching philosophy. Which has been really fun actually, but has not worked towards my sleeping in project!! I feel like i just keep running and running and never slow down, whether it be during the school year or the summer I always seem to have plans. I am kind of looking forward to a day that when maybe, just maybe i won't have any plans. No where to go, no one to see, no errands to run! Ha just a boring old day at home to relax!! HA in my dreams, i don't foresee that coming anytime soon. But hey, a girl can hope right? I think that is something i have always done, planned ahead. I LOVE hanging out with people and seeing people, but sorry sometimes you do have to plan it before to make sure i block off that time. But then i am golden i will be there! I have been lucky to have a lot of friends that i want to spend time with lately, Practically every night i have somewhere to go, whether it is helping someone, babysitting for someone, visiting an old friend, visiting family, birthdays, there is always something going on.

It also makes me stop and realize. Life is good. I have been so blessed with amazing people in my life and amazing experiences!! Time flies by too fast, and too many awesome experiences have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Like my Master's Degree. I am sure going to miss those guys that i have been in a cohort with for the last two years. They really have become my friends and colleagues. I hate when good things come to an end. But that also just means i have to start a new adventure!... I just have to figure out what my next endeavor will be.

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