Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Are you serious!??! Off track time is ending again.... SO soon??

There ya go, The moment captured in essence! I did it! I made it through the graduation! YAHOO! And I did it with some of the best Friends!
But that also means that i am nearing the end of being off track. I have to tell you that being off track is the best thing in the world!! Nothing like being off track, reading books watching tv you have missed. Hanging with Friends you never get to see


And playing with my niece and nephews! Who i freaking LOVE!!!!

All and all it is great! Except the anxiety i feel just about now when i have only a couple days left and i know i have to be back on Friday and i start freaking out, and dreading waking up, and wondering if i am planned and ready (Even though i spend the first few days off (at least) every time i go off getting ready for when i go back! It's like the first day of school all over again anxiety wise! HA BUT then i get there and its back to normal like i never left!

Here's to the last few days of being off track!!


Laura Jett said...

ALREADY?!?! No way! Well, congrats on graduating! That's awesome!! We've had some craziness going on the past few weeks... like buying a car, having it break down 2 days later... fun stuff like that, but it's fixed now, and I have some open time the next couple days! We should get together before you go back!! :D Did you say you go back on Friday? ... Why would they start school on a Friday? Or is that just a teacher's day type thing? Anyway, call or text me! Lets get together!! :D

Nicole said...

Hey! I gave you a blogger award on my blog today! Come check it out! :)
