Monday, November 3, 2008

Only a few more days....

Ok so i have been off track for two weeks now, and i am now down to the last few days. I have tried to do all of the things i don't have time for when i am working. Like get my hair done, going to the dentist, getting a flu shot, visiting and meeting with friends, cleaning my house extra good, getting all my laundry done, organizing my closet, catching up on movies and tv shows, sleeping in once in awhile and reading tons and tons of books! And my favorite, spending lots of time with Ade and Gunnar and Brittany. It's so funny being off track. I feel like i get so much done, i even catch a few moments of boredom and sometimes i even think i am ready to go back... but as soon as time to go back gets closer i still get that anxious feeling i used to get as a kid when summer vacation was ending....Then i feel like there is so much i have to do before i go back... i just can't think of what.. It's like a Roller coaster. But The time off has been fun, and well needed. I get to go back just in time for Parent Teacher Conferences... Yahoo! What a party!


Suzanne Brinton said...

your house? Do you have a house now?

Alisha Chase said...

No... ha i have half a house? But i still have to clean my living room and bathroom and bedroom and kitchen area and everything... so it's enough "House" for me to clean =)
