Sunday, June 14, 2009

Confession Sunday

Ok so my friend Lauren does theme postings, and Sunday happens to be "Confession Sunday" And i love reading her blog with these themes, so i told her i was going to steal the idea, so her it goes.

I confess, i am addicted to Dr. Pepper.
I confess i love Disney movies (although i haven't seen one in a very very long time.)
I confess i love rain
I confess I sing, and dance to just about everything.
I confess, i still love to sleep in every chance i get, which is not very often!!
I confess, i wish i could spend all my money shopping and traveling.
I confess i am scared to death to be a real "Grown-up"
I confess, sometimes i like to do nothing.
I confess I don't have a very high self-esteem sometimes.
I confess, i still cant believe i will be starting my 4th year of teaching!
I confess i am angry and mad about the school district splitting and all of the ridiculous budget cuts!!!
I confess, i get mad easily, but also forgive quickly.. MOST OF THE TIME =)
I confess my heart is bigger than my brain
I confess I love my niece and nephews like they are my own.
I confess i want someone to sweep me off my feet and be romantic.
I confess, I have a hard time letting go.
I confess I finally feel like i have found a home. Even though it is just an apartment.
I confess i miss my friends and all the wonderful people i sadly dont get to talk to.
I confess, I like reality tv
I confess, i have more clothes AND shoes then one person should.....
I confess, i like to collect purses and bedding (Blankets, sheets, pillows)
I confess i am deathly afraid of heights and spiders... ok most bugs
I confess i LOVE LOVE LOVE the mountains and camping. (Ironic huh i hate bugs?)
I confess i like writing and sharing stuff you probably don't need to know!
I confess I am recently addicted to blogging, even if it is about nothing!

OK so i hope that wasn't too boring, i like confession sunday, i think it is fun to admit silly stuff that most people don't know. I look forward to possibly sharing some other themed postings, it is a fun way to blog! Happy sunday!!!

1 comment:

Just the 3 of us said...

Yay! I'm glad you did it. It's a fun one huh? I can't believe you are in your 4th year of teaching! man we are old!!
