IT is is this that finally brings me to my blog post today.... REASONS WHY I LOVE TEACHING.... I decided to STOP right now with the frustration and overwhelming feelings. I can NOT change what happens. I can NOT convince people to stay. Although i am sad, and have even cried over some of the friends i will lose this year.... I can't change it. The only thing i CAN change is my attitude. So instead of getting frustrated and overwhelmed. I am going to remind myself why in fact i am a teacher.
1. I absolutely LOVE helping people learn. There is so much power in Knowledge and understanding and there is nothing better than seeing that light bulb click and making a connection.
2. I love kids. They make me laugh, they make me smile, and darn it they cheer you up when you are sad. They sense everything! Well.... SOME of them do ;)
3. My job is always different. I get to do something new everyday.
4. I get to do MATH everyday!! I love it!
5. I get to sing and dance and be goofy and sure they laugh, but deep down they still think you are the coolest thing ever!!
6. I love seeing former students and hearing their updates and Success, and knowing i may have had a small part in their future.
7. I love loving someone who may not get that support at home. And showing them that they ARE worth it!
8. I love having that bonding moment with a kid that has been driving you NUTS all year, when you both turn and realize that things aren't so bad!
9. I love meeting new kids each year and starting the year thinking it will NEVER be the same, missing my old class, and old students, wanting them back, not connecting with the new class, and then by the end of the year ending in tears yet again because i don't want them to move on!
10. I love the simple gifts, pictures and cards they give you randomly just to say they care!!
11. I love the silly things kids say that just make you laugh! Kids really do say the darnedest things.
I am pretty sure i could continue... and maybe one day i will. But i just have to remember that no matter how HARD and STRESSFUL and emotional it is... Watching kids grow and mature and succeed is what life is all about. And it's up to me and other teachers to support that learning and continue the future. No matter where i end up, or where i have to go to teach... I am a teacher!